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Plot description on the 'crop planification and production process' ontology

Latest version:
Baptiste Darnala
Florence Armadeilh
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Cite as:
Darnala, B., Amardeilh, F., Roussey, C., & Jonquet, C. (2021, September). Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology (C3PO), a new model to assist diversified crop production. In Integrated Food Ontology Workshop (IFOW’21) at the 12th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO). Revision: 1.0.

Ontology Specification Draft


Created by Elzeard, crop planification and production process represents general informations about agroecological vegetable production. This module is about the administrative and network information of the farm. It specifies the admin module regarding land and plot configuration.

Introduction back to ToC

This module describes the geographical division of a farm. It allows to list all the production cells, plots, etc. It can also be used to list infrastructures or areas of ecological interest.

List of competency questions : Table with competency questions of module plot on tab "Plot" and related SPARQL query here

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document
base <http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot>
rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns>
rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema>
owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl>
xml <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace>
xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>
dc <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1>
skos <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core>
prov <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov>
time <http://www.w3.org/2006/time>
c3povoc <http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/vocabulary>
c3poparam <http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/parameter>
c3poadmin <http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/admin>
c3poplot <http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot>

Overview retour au sommaire

Plot description on the 'Crop Planification and Production Process' ontology (C3PO): Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Plot description on the 'Crop Planification and Production Process' ontology (C3PO): Description back to ToC

This is a placeholder text for the description of your ontology. The description should include an explanation and a diagram explaining how the classes are related, examples of usage, etc.

Cross-reference for Plot description on the 'Crop Planification and Production Process' ontology (C3PO) classes, object properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by Plot description on the 'Crop Planification and Production Process' ontology (C3PO).


adressc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ns.mnemotix.com/ontologies/2019/8/generic-model/Adress

has super-classes
location c
is in range of
has address op

Buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#Building

Construction in stone, wood or cob to shelter the staff, livestock or crops of a farm.
has super-classes
Infrastructure c

cooperativec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/admin#Cooperative

has super-classes
organization c

Crop linec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#CultivableRow

Surface unit of production smaller than cultivation beds, designating a row crop establishment.
has super-classes
Cultivable land c

Cultivable areac back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#CultivableArea

A cultivable area is an area where a production process can be located between two given dates. A cultivable area can receive one or more agricultural production processes. A cultivable area is distinct of a landscape element or an infrastructure.
has super-classes
Cultivable land c
has sub-classes
Cultivable bed c, Cultivable mound c, Cultivable plot c
is in domain of
has for cultivable surface op, has gap op, has width op

Cultivable bedc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#CultivableBed

Surface unit of production between the plot and the crop line, generally corresponding to the width of land spanned by the tractor.
has super-classes
Cultivable area c
is in domain of
bed name dp, cultivation bed number dp

Cultivable landc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#CultivableLand

has super-classes
Land use c
has sub-classes
Crop line c, Cultivable area c
is in domain of
has irrigation infrastructure part op, has length op, has period op

Cultivable moundc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#CultivableMound

A cultivation mound is a cultivable area, rectangular in shape and elevated in a mound shape, that hosts one or several production processes. A cultivation mound is associated to a specific cultivable plot. The cultivation mounds are generally used in permaculture.
has super-classes
Cultivable area c
is in domain of
has height op

Cultivable plotc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#CultivablePlot

A cultivable plot is a cultivable area that hosts one or several production processes, associated with a cultivation mode (open field, cold under cover or greenhouse). It has some cultivation beds or not.
has super-classes
Cultivable area c
is in domain of
has culture mode op, plot identifier dp, plot name dp

Ecological interest areac back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#EcologicalInterestArea

Set of semi-natural or natural habitats of high ecological value, located in agricultural areas.
has super-classes
Landscape element c

farmc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/admin#Farm

has super-classes
organization c

Infrastructurec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#Infrastructure

has super-classes
Land use c
has sub-classes
Building c, Irrigation infrastructure c

Irrigation infrastructurec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#IrrigationInfrastructure

Infrastructure made by humans to irrigate the cultivable plots.
has super-classes
Infrastructure c
is in domain of
has irrigation mode op, has irrigation volume op, irrigation infrastructure identifier dp, number of irrigation lines dp
is in range of
has irrigation infrastructure part op

Land usec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#LandUse

A field area that has a homogeneous and specific use (agricultural crops, storage building, ...). For exemple, the use is described in the graphical plot register. This area is attached to a production cell.
has super-classes
entity c
has sub-classes
Cultivable land c, Infrastructure c, Landscape element c, Other land use c
is in domain of
has neighbouring land use op
is in range of
has neighbouring land use op

Landscape elementc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#LandscapeElement

A landscape element is a land use from natural origin like trees, hedges, natural meadows, ... A landscape element is distinct from a cultivable area or infrastructure.
has super-classes
Land use c
has sub-classes
Ecological interest area c, Meadow c

locationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ns.mnemotix.com/ontologies/2019/8/generic-model/Location

has super-classes
spatial entity c
has sub-classes
adress c

Meadowc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#Meadow

Land covered with grass used for livestock feeding, either by grazing, mowing or both methods.
has super-classes
Landscape element c

Other land usec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#OtherLandUse

Part of the farm not occupied by a building, an infrastructure or a cultivated plot.
has super-classes
Land use c

Production cellc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#ProductionCell

A production cell is composed by a group of land use zones, delimited in an administratively defined geographical area. The production cell is associated with a given farm.
has super-classes
entity c
is in domain of
has address op, has production cell part op, production cell identifier dp, production cell name dp

Object Properties

has addressop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#isLocated

has domain
Production cell c
has range
adress c

has culture modeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasCultureMode

has domain
Cultivable plot c
has range
concept c and (broader op value culture mode)

has for cultivable surfaceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasCultivableSurface

has domain
Cultivable area c
has range
surface c

has gapop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasGap

has super-properties
has parameter op
has domain
Cultivable area c
has range
length c

has heightop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasHeight

has domain
Cultivable mound c
has range
length c

has irrigation infrastructure partop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasIrrigationInfrastructurePart

has domain
Cultivable land c
has range
Irrigation infrastructure c

has irrigation modeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasIrrigationMode

has domain
Irrigation infrastructure c
has range
concept c and (broader op value irrigation mode)

has irrigation volumeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasIrrigationFlow

has super-properties
has parameter op
has domain
Irrigation infrastructure c
has range
volume c

has lengthop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasLength

has super-properties
has parameter op
has domain
Cultivable land c
has range
length c

has neighbouring land useop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasLandUseNeighbour

has domain
Land use c
has range
Land use c

has partop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasPart

is inverse of
is part of op

has periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasPeriod

has domain
Cultivable land c
has range
proper interval c

has production cell partop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasProductionCellSurface

has domain
Production cell c
has range
surface c

has widthop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#hasWidth

has super-properties
has parameter op
has domain
Cultivable area c
has range
length c

is part ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#isPartOf

is inverse of
has part op

Data Properties

bed namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#bedName

has domain
Cultivable bed c
has range

cultivation bed numberdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#bedNumber

has domain
Cultivable bed c
has range

irrigation infrastructure identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#identifierIrrigation

has domain
Irrigation infrastructure c
has range

number of irrigation linesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#numberIrrigationLines

has domain
Irrigation infrastructure c
has range

plot identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#identifierPlot

has domain
Cultivable plot c
has range

plot namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#plotName

has domain
Cultivable plot c
has range

production cell identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#identifierProductionCell

has domain
Production cell c
has range

production cell namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/plot#productionCellName

has domain
Production cell c
has range

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties

References back to ToC

Add your references here. It is recommended to have them as a list.

Acknowledgments back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.